Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Infants and Travel! `

Life has it's way of sneaking up on you! I was given the opportunity to take an all expense paid trip to Florida last week, and I decided that I would take the offer, so the planning begun!

This was going to be the very first trip with my 7 month old son Connor! I was excited, and nervous at the same time! I didn't have a whole lot of time to plan, so I just quickly got things together the best I could, making sure of course everything was organized and ready for "security" at the airport!

We finally get to the airport, waking up at 2:30 AM and being at the airport at 4AM...poor little baby! He was AMAZINGLY good though. We get to security, and much to my surprise, my son has to be removed from his stroller, and the car seat that attaches to the stroller, and all of those things needs to go through the xray machine. WHAT A CHALLENGE...while I fold the stroller and put it on the belt...who is going to hold my son? The TSA is the far from helpful, but we still managed to get through with all of our belongings!

We finally get to the gate, only to be told by the agent that his carseat is not FAA approved and would have to be checked....so much for a peaceful travel for me! He was all together good on his first plane ride.....he cried a bit, but slept and played for most of it. I was very surprised how well he actually did on that flight.

We were Atlanta bound! When we reached our destination Connor was ready for a change in scenery! We got off the plane, and headed to our next gate! The agents in Atlanta were very nice and friendly, I had found on my carseat where it said it was aircraft safe and we were allowed to bring his seat on! he slept the entire way! Florida bound! Ready for sunshine and palm trees!

He was a fantastic baby the entire trip, and although there were bumps and hiccups with security, we were able to get to and from florida with only a delay in detroit! (the down side of flying non revenue!)

My friends with children! Be prepared for the unexpected, when you think you have everything organized and ready, that's not always the case. With children as we all know nothing is smooth sailing, but it will be as smooth as you make it, if you are ready for things to change!