Monday, May 3, 2010

Unexpected Change

There are a lot of things that are changing in my life right now. I was let go from my position with the Cap Agency. with that door closing, another door has opened. I will now be working my business with Dove Chocolate Discoveries! I am excited and looking forward to this adventure.

On another note, Connor is 8 months old today and growing each and every day. He is getting ready to crawl, and is absolutely enthralled with all of his fantastic toys! He is a good boy, very smiley and just a bundle of joy. I thank the lord everyday for giving me such a beautiful gift.

I am also growing and changing in my life, continually learning new things! I am ready to graduate with my MBA at the end of the summer, and hopefully good things to come after that. I can't believe how fast this time has gone!

With summer comes warm weather and fun activities! It's going to be a fun filled first time mom summer for me, and I am looking forward to every minute I get to spend with my lil man!