Monday, December 27, 2010

Life Moves Forward

Life has it's way of changing and mine is not an exception to this rule. Choices are made everyday that can take your life in a completely new direction, and my life is going in a new and different direction as we speak, and I am ready and willing for this change.

I have graduated with my MBA as of September, and will be starting my Certificate Program in Paralegal as of Jan 3rd 2011. I am looking forward to this addition and hoping it will lead into a career for me that helps me become the woman that I am striving to be.

I have promoted to Team Leader with Dove Chocolate Discoveries and stay home during the day with my beautiful baby boy Connor. He is now almost 16 months old and walking, talking like I can't even believe! Everyday he is growing and becoming more of a lil man, and I just can't believe how fast it is all going and how quickly he changes.

Everyone tells you that things change as quickly as you get used to them, this never seemed true until I had Connor. This is the first time in my life that I truly love someone else more than I love myself. He is a happy and healthy young one now, and I am so happy and excited to have him a part of my life each and every day. Connor has only been sick once in his short little life, and that was last year during this cold rough winter season, hopefully without daycare in his life right now he won't get sick at all this year.

On a personal note, Ryan and I have separated and living separated. This is very difficult for both of us, but sometimes in life things happen that hurt...but are still a better option than the easy choice. I don't know where this road will end up, but right now working through this issues that we have is the only option. What it will end up to be, I don't know right now...I just now that things have to change for the better in order for us to move forward with our lives together. If things don't/can't change then we really need to move on with our lives in a separate direction.