Saturday, January 22, 2011

When there is nothing left to do but juggle

As I re-enter the work force full time, I realize the difficulties associated with juggling work/family and business. I am a full time Legal Assistant by day…..a mom and business owner by night and I wouldn’t change anything about it! My son Connor is 16 months old going on 20 and my full time job is demanding and time consuming as can be expected.

Time management becomes the most important part of my day, my day planner is also my life saver, without this small black book I don’t know where I would be. Lists and schedules rule my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know with these lists and schedules that everything is being completed as it should be, when it should be and nothing is left to the way-side.

I sell Dove Chocolate Discoveries through in home tasting parties and love every minute of it. This provides me with the part time income to supplement my full time income, but still have the time and energy to take care of the rest of the things that add up on life. Running a business can be stressful and time consuming, and juggling this with the rest of your life can be a challenge, but I manage to handle things just fine.

The most important thing in maintaining your business is to always be networking. Have your catalogs, business cards and hostess information with you at all times, because you never know when you will meet your next hostess or team member. Talking to people about what you do is the only way to get word out of exactly what you do, and why it’s so fantastic.

I bring with me a catalog, a few order forms, business cards and a promotional flyer. I also have notecards or paper to get information, and I always have my calendar so that I can book whomever I am talking to right then there, and mail them an official hostess packet as soon as I get home. This is how I book many of my parties, and how I maintain my monthly sales goals.

Life has a way of sneaking up on you, there will be times when your business won’t be at the top of your list, however it always have to make the list in order for you to succeed and achieve your ultimate goal. My ultimate goal will be the ability of turning my part time Chocolate money, into Full time Chocolate money on a Part Time schedule. I know that time will come soon and I cannot wait!

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