Friday, January 29, 2010

Discovering Self to Find Esteem

Focus on the abilities you do have instead of the strengths you don't have. Liast as many of your strengths as you can think of. Post this list where you will be able to review it daily. Sometimes others can see our strengths more easily than we can. Ask some of your closest friends to list three or four things they like most about you. You may be surprised at the things they come up with that you entirely miss.

Think about a time when you felt really empowered. Next time you're ready to prospect, prepare by visualizing yourself at that special moment when you knew you were awesome! Feel the feeling, remember the moment, place yourself mentally and emotionally back in that time of personal success.

Place a full length mirrow in your office or near your desk. Practice getting comfortable with yourself. Look into the mirror and give yourself four sincere compliments every single day.

Pay attention to your internal communmication-your self talk. Are yout hinking positive, empowering thoughts that will build your self-esteem, or are you constantly putting yourself down?

Pay attention to how you interact with others. If you are negative with them, odds are you are being negative with yourself.

Immerse yourself in an environment of self confidence. Associate with successful, self confident people. Read books and listen to speeches by people who have a track record of helping others develop high self-esteem.

Keep sticking to your plan of action, focus on your many great qualities, and have patience with yourself. Continue to develop your skills daily and realize that transforming your life is a marathon, not a sprint!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Working Success Systems

For too long we have had misguided impressions of what motivation is and is not. So let's define the terms for this discussion.

First a system is an accurate established procedure that works every time, for everyone, each time it is used. That is precisly why direct selling works. Once a company has developed its system, positive results can be duplicated every time that system is worked.

Second, motivation is defined as four parts of a single sentence. It is 1. making a choice 2. to take action 3. for a result 4. whether you feel like it or not. Motivation is not about how you feel, it's is about what you choose.

Everything is a matter of choice. Choice equal results and good choices = good results; bad choices = bad results.

Motivation is simply about making a choice to take whatever action to achieve the clarified results. Can every day be a motivated day? Yes, if you choose to take action for results whether you feel like it or not. There will be those days when y ou do not choose to take action for results, and that is necessary in our busy lives. As women, very few of us have ever been given permission to take time for ourselves. Even when we do, we play the "oughta, coulda, woulda, shoulda" game with ourselves and do the guilt trup. When you know what motivation is, that old programming can be replaced, you become more productive and effective, and you can even take time off without guilt.

Consistent motivation (choice making) is a key factor in the success of a direct seller.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Working Momma, Brown Eyed Girl Begins!

The blog begins! The world is changing, and there are so many things to write about. Prior to starting this blog, I thought to myself, why would someone want to read anything that I have to say? After really delving deep I realized that even if nobody reads this blog, I am going to start one. I need a blog for me, not for those that won't read it!

As the title states, I am a working momma! I have a soon to be 5 month old son, and work full time for a non-profit agency. I am also a brown eyed girl, waiting for the world to swallow me hole! With these tough economic times, I can't believe people are still having children, let alone me.

1 year ago I was at a job I hated after being "let go" from a job I thought was ok. This job was my downfall, I hated going to work everyday, and hated even more having to tell people what I did for a living. I was a "swallowing hard" customer service representative for an outsourcing company. Nothing against people who love that line of work, it wasn't the work, it was the company I was working for. I was treated very poorly, and 7 months into my pregnancy I quit and stayed home.

Fast forward to the now, I have a lovely son, a wonderful job and a beautiful home. I work everyday knowing that I am giving my son the best life he can have, and he will prosper!

I should also mention, that along with working full time, having an infant son I also work a direct sales business out of my home. Along with all of these things, I am attaining my MBA through an online program. I am ambitous, with a lot on my mind and ready to write what I need to say!

With my next post, I will pick topics of importance. Going forward this blog will also be requested blogs, if you have an idea you want me to write about, just leave me a message and I will happily blog about it. I love writing and plan to blog at least 2 times a week, if not more! Leave feedback for me! Let me know what you want to read about it!