Thursday, January 28, 2010

Working Success Systems

For too long we have had misguided impressions of what motivation is and is not. So let's define the terms for this discussion.

First a system is an accurate established procedure that works every time, for everyone, each time it is used. That is precisly why direct selling works. Once a company has developed its system, positive results can be duplicated every time that system is worked.

Second, motivation is defined as four parts of a single sentence. It is 1. making a choice 2. to take action 3. for a result 4. whether you feel like it or not. Motivation is not about how you feel, it's is about what you choose.

Everything is a matter of choice. Choice equal results and good choices = good results; bad choices = bad results.

Motivation is simply about making a choice to take whatever action to achieve the clarified results. Can every day be a motivated day? Yes, if you choose to take action for results whether you feel like it or not. There will be those days when y ou do not choose to take action for results, and that is necessary in our busy lives. As women, very few of us have ever been given permission to take time for ourselves. Even when we do, we play the "oughta, coulda, woulda, shoulda" game with ourselves and do the guilt trup. When you know what motivation is, that old programming can be replaced, you become more productive and effective, and you can even take time off without guilt.

Consistent motivation (choice making) is a key factor in the success of a direct seller.

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