Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Maintain and Grow your Business

There are many ways you can maintain your business, however most of you will want to grow your business, not just maintain it. This post is going to give you some great ideas on how to do that, without jeaporadizing your family life or full time job.

Customer service is key to maintaining your business, regardless of the business you are in, it's key to make sure you are doing everything you can for your current customer and host base. This will ensure re-orders and additional parties from these customers and hosts.

When I say customer service, I mean a courtesy call after they get products, a courtesy call a month after the party to make sure there isn't anything else you can do for the customer or any re-order they may have. Make sure they are on your e-mail list if they want to,. also make sure at this time they have your website and phone number so if they do need anything from you they can get a hold of you. I also use this phone call to warm chat them, if they are a customer I ask them if they have ever thought about having a chocolate party of their own, if they are a host I use this time to let them know of all the different kinds of parties I offer just in case they are interested in my theme parties for future events. If you don't tell them they will never know.

Now lets get into growing your business. There are a few ways I use to market my business to others.
1. offer the opportunity to everyone do not pre-judge
2. talk about your business at all events/parties/shows/expos
3. hand out your card to everyone you meet, let them know to pass it along to people they may think would be interested
4. know your I-story. The reason you do what you do...this helps others relate to you and your business.

I hope this blog helps you with your business! I am open to suggestions on what posts I should do!
Have a great week!

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