Monday, March 14, 2011

Everybody likes a Snowball

When you are working your business, things will snowball. Booking from parties from parties, and things will be great. This is what we all work so hard to get to, the idea that we are successful stems from how busy we are, and how much money we are making, not necessarily from how hard we are working.

It is true that we have to work twice as hard when we aren't busy, to make sure that when we get busy again we stay that way. It's the slowest time of the year that can be the most challenging and difficult, which is why when you have the opportunity to snowball, it's always the best option for your business.

The busier you are, the more opportunity you will have to book more and more parties, we all know this, but the hard part is getting your business to the that point.

The only secret I can tell you is to be consistent with who you are asking to have a party, and in order to make that easy ask everyone.

Everyone that you come into contact with it's imperative that you ask if they are interested in having a party, the grocery store, the gas station, the video store, the pharmacy...anywhere you go could be your next huge and best party, or your next stop sales recruit!

When you go to the post office, leave a stack of your cards on the counter near the postal stuff, people may or may not take them, but they are there for someone that might be interested. Go into small businesses on a saturday and ask if you put a flyer on their tables or counter, maybe a box with a drawing so that you have potential customers.

All of these things is going to assist you in growing your business so that you don't have to do things like this anymore, lets focus on getting your business big enough to where you are consistently having parties and reruiting so that you can book parties form parties, and recruit from those parties as well.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Working through the "hard Times"

Anybody that has dalloped in the direct sales world knows that hard times happen. Operating a business and marketing a business can be challenging. This post is going to reflect on some of the things that I do to boost business when it is slow.

1. TAKE A DEEP BREATH....relax....remember why you are doing this business and as long as you work the business, the business will work for you.

2. Check local venues and listings to see if there are upcoming expos/vendor shows/gala's that you can get a table at. This allows for you to meet a group of people interested in your product and what you do, most of my shows come from these event and then it snowballs into more and more parties. Definitely worth your time/money.

3. Contact current customers for referrals, I always make customer service calls to make sure my customers are aware of the products, using my Newletter reports is especially helpful, this tells you who has been looking recently and may be interested in having a show.

4. Previous Hostesses, contact them, make sure they have what they need, see if they would be interested in having a different kind of party, for my business I always ask if they are interested in doing a candy making class as their second party! This usually makes it very easy their party to qualify because I charge for supplies (I then turn around and add that to her party as an order sent to me to replenish my stock) Tweek this to make it work for your business, if you sell wickless candles, maybe have a cash n carry party, or an ugly candle party...everyone brings a candle that has burned and made a mess or is just plain ugly and they get a sample for free or something like that.....i'm sure you get the picture.

5. Lastly...always remember that whatever you do in your business, it's your business....and you need to remember these simple rules:
- Before you do anything, ask this going to make me money? If it's not...think about tabling it for something that will make you money.
- you are in this business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself.
- You need to go through 100 no's to get 1 yes, so start asking!