Monday, December 27, 2010

Life Moves Forward

Life has it's way of changing and mine is not an exception to this rule. Choices are made everyday that can take your life in a completely new direction, and my life is going in a new and different direction as we speak, and I am ready and willing for this change.

I have graduated with my MBA as of September, and will be starting my Certificate Program in Paralegal as of Jan 3rd 2011. I am looking forward to this addition and hoping it will lead into a career for me that helps me become the woman that I am striving to be.

I have promoted to Team Leader with Dove Chocolate Discoveries and stay home during the day with my beautiful baby boy Connor. He is now almost 16 months old and walking, talking like I can't even believe! Everyday he is growing and becoming more of a lil man, and I just can't believe how fast it is all going and how quickly he changes.

Everyone tells you that things change as quickly as you get used to them, this never seemed true until I had Connor. This is the first time in my life that I truly love someone else more than I love myself. He is a happy and healthy young one now, and I am so happy and excited to have him a part of my life each and every day. Connor has only been sick once in his short little life, and that was last year during this cold rough winter season, hopefully without daycare in his life right now he won't get sick at all this year.

On a personal note, Ryan and I have separated and living separated. This is very difficult for both of us, but sometimes in life things happen that hurt...but are still a better option than the easy choice. I don't know where this road will end up, but right now working through this issues that we have is the only option. What it will end up to be, I don't know right now...I just now that things have to change for the better in order for us to move forward with our lives together. If things don't/can't change then we really need to move on with our lives in a separate direction.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Unexpected Change

There are a lot of things that are changing in my life right now. I was let go from my position with the Cap Agency. with that door closing, another door has opened. I will now be working my business with Dove Chocolate Discoveries! I am excited and looking forward to this adventure.

On another note, Connor is 8 months old today and growing each and every day. He is getting ready to crawl, and is absolutely enthralled with all of his fantastic toys! He is a good boy, very smiley and just a bundle of joy. I thank the lord everyday for giving me such a beautiful gift.

I am also growing and changing in my life, continually learning new things! I am ready to graduate with my MBA at the end of the summer, and hopefully good things to come after that. I can't believe how fast this time has gone!

With summer comes warm weather and fun activities! It's going to be a fun filled first time mom summer for me, and I am looking forward to every minute I get to spend with my lil man!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Infants and Travel! `

Life has it's way of sneaking up on you! I was given the opportunity to take an all expense paid trip to Florida last week, and I decided that I would take the offer, so the planning begun!

This was going to be the very first trip with my 7 month old son Connor! I was excited, and nervous at the same time! I didn't have a whole lot of time to plan, so I just quickly got things together the best I could, making sure of course everything was organized and ready for "security" at the airport!

We finally get to the airport, waking up at 2:30 AM and being at the airport at 4AM...poor little baby! He was AMAZINGLY good though. We get to security, and much to my surprise, my son has to be removed from his stroller, and the car seat that attaches to the stroller, and all of those things needs to go through the xray machine. WHAT A CHALLENGE...while I fold the stroller and put it on the belt...who is going to hold my son? The TSA is the far from helpful, but we still managed to get through with all of our belongings!

We finally get to the gate, only to be told by the agent that his carseat is not FAA approved and would have to be much for a peaceful travel for me! He was all together good on his first plane ride.....he cried a bit, but slept and played for most of it. I was very surprised how well he actually did on that flight.

We were Atlanta bound! When we reached our destination Connor was ready for a change in scenery! We got off the plane, and headed to our next gate! The agents in Atlanta were very nice and friendly, I had found on my carseat where it said it was aircraft safe and we were allowed to bring his seat on! he slept the entire way! Florida bound! Ready for sunshine and palm trees!

He was a fantastic baby the entire trip, and although there were bumps and hiccups with security, we were able to get to and from florida with only a delay in detroit! (the down side of flying non revenue!)

My friends with children! Be prepared for the unexpected, when you think you have everything organized and ready, that's not always the case. With children as we all know nothing is smooth sailing, but it will be as smooth as you make it, if you are ready for things to change!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Details Count

Whether your office consists of hanging files and a carboard table, whether you build your direct-selling business on a part-time basis, or whether you plan to rise to the highest level of management within your company, paying attention to the details of your professional image is vital to your success. Consider these facts:

  • Opinions are formed and people are sized up in as soon as seven seconds in today's fast paced world, studies now show.
  • 93% of a persons conclusion about you is influenced by your appearance, body language, tone of voice, and attitude. Only 7% is influenced by what you say.
  • The moment you meet a person, she begins to subconsciously assess whether she wants to get to know you better.

With this in mind, can you see why it is vital that you give your professional image top priority?

Your professional image is all about how you project to the world and how you conduct yourself. It's the energy you bring into a room and the way you make others feel when they meet you. It's something I refer to as your personal power, and it has a huge impact on your success.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Information Breeds Confidence

Doubt is deadly! You will rarely succeed unless you really believe that your products and the opportunity can truly change the way a someone feels about themselves.

It is vital to your continued success that you invest the time and effort to learn everything there is to learn about our business. Lawyers are constantly learning about new laws, doctors about the latest medical developments, and computer programmers about every=changing technology. Information breeds confidence!

Friday, February 19, 2010 the Fast Lane

The only thing consistent in life is change. There are so many reasons why change is necessary for everyone, it's hard to pick just one and blog about it. I am going to discuss a little bit of what's going on in my life, and maybe just maybe it will make me feel a bit better and get some things off my chest.

Life constantly gives all of us challenges, the important part is how we deal with these challenges that makes us who we are. Recently both my furnace and my oven went out, which in the grand scheme of things are very small challenges that make a huge impact in your everyday life. It's amazing to me how difficult it was to adapt to having no heat and no oven. Luckily the heat part was only for a brief time. The oven was out for about a week, I got really good at stove top cooking and utlizing the microwave. No my friends, we didn't have microwave meals every night, I think I would die if that happened for an entire week!

This week my son is really sick, Connor has RSV and for those that don't know what that is,
it's Recpiratory Syncytial Virus. His isn't that bad, but it could get worse if we don't watch him. We are currently giving him Nebulizer treatments every 6 hours in hopes that his crud will loosen up and he will be ok. Luckily for us, Connor isn't wheezing, and most babies get this before the age of 2, so I am not too concerned. Just one more sad point in the life of a working mom that is forced to use DayCare.

This weekend should be yet another crazy one, I have a big assignment due Sunday night that I haven't even started yet, I also have a bunch of cleaning to catch up on, and want to organize my office. All of this on top of watching Connor! Good times! -

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Life Happens

The weekend was a totally mess of chaos. Woke up on Sunday morning to no heat, the furnace wasn't blowing and the thermostat was completely blank. It was a huge Fiasco to get someone out, and when he came out, we had him look at the oven as well. Come to find out the Furnace wasn't working because the filters we get are too thick...may I say Thank you 3M for making a product that does what it's supposed to do so well, that it shuts down the furnace completely for LACK of again, Thank You. The oven needed a new ignitor, and that was just replaced by Centerpoint it was over a week with no oven....but we made it through.

Connor is now full time at "School" I love calling it that, because he actually does activities and art projects, much like pre-school. It's a very cute environment and I can see he is thriving being around other kids as much as he is.

I end this blog with a phrase that really made me think, and re-organize a few things in my life.

"the truth is, balance is not a matter of fitting everything into your life; it is a matter of deciding what is important to you and fitting all the important things into your life."

A direct selling woman can have balance amidst the madness, but you must consciously choose what you do with your time and with whom you spend your time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Expecting Achievment

Successful people plan their success because they know that a failure to plan is a plan to fail. The fact is that I've yet to meet a person who has reached to top in a company, or any pinnacle of success in their lives, who didn't plan to be there. More importan than planning to succeed, however, that these successful people expected to succeed

When I joined my direct selling company, I expected to reach the highest position, and I developed a strategy to do it. I expected success because I looked around and saw that other people with the same product and the same compensation plan were successful, so I knew it could be done. I also understood and had the confidence to believe that if others were capable of being successful in that company, then I was as well.

Many people approach life as though they have no control over outcomes. the opposite is true. You control your own destingy. When U learned that and internalized it, my life changed. Yours can as well. I am not talking about wishful thinking, I am talking about expectancy. to Quote from Paul J. Meyer in his program The Dynamics of Goal Setting (Success Motivation International Inc.):

"Expectations held over a period of time, either consciously
or subconsciously, affect attitudes-and attitudes affect actions.
Expectations function relentlessly, whether you create them for yourself or
someone holds them for you."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Discovering Self to Find Esteem

Focus on the abilities you do have instead of the strengths you don't have. Liast as many of your strengths as you can think of. Post this list where you will be able to review it daily. Sometimes others can see our strengths more easily than we can. Ask some of your closest friends to list three or four things they like most about you. You may be surprised at the things they come up with that you entirely miss.

Think about a time when you felt really empowered. Next time you're ready to prospect, prepare by visualizing yourself at that special moment when you knew you were awesome! Feel the feeling, remember the moment, place yourself mentally and emotionally back in that time of personal success.

Place a full length mirrow in your office or near your desk. Practice getting comfortable with yourself. Look into the mirror and give yourself four sincere compliments every single day.

Pay attention to your internal communmication-your self talk. Are yout hinking positive, empowering thoughts that will build your self-esteem, or are you constantly putting yourself down?

Pay attention to how you interact with others. If you are negative with them, odds are you are being negative with yourself.

Immerse yourself in an environment of self confidence. Associate with successful, self confident people. Read books and listen to speeches by people who have a track record of helping others develop high self-esteem.

Keep sticking to your plan of action, focus on your many great qualities, and have patience with yourself. Continue to develop your skills daily and realize that transforming your life is a marathon, not a sprint!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Working Success Systems

For too long we have had misguided impressions of what motivation is and is not. So let's define the terms for this discussion.

First a system is an accurate established procedure that works every time, for everyone, each time it is used. That is precisly why direct selling works. Once a company has developed its system, positive results can be duplicated every time that system is worked.

Second, motivation is defined as four parts of a single sentence. It is 1. making a choice 2. to take action 3. for a result 4. whether you feel like it or not. Motivation is not about how you feel, it's is about what you choose.

Everything is a matter of choice. Choice equal results and good choices = good results; bad choices = bad results.

Motivation is simply about making a choice to take whatever action to achieve the clarified results. Can every day be a motivated day? Yes, if you choose to take action for results whether you feel like it or not. There will be those days when y ou do not choose to take action for results, and that is necessary in our busy lives. As women, very few of us have ever been given permission to take time for ourselves. Even when we do, we play the "oughta, coulda, woulda, shoulda" game with ourselves and do the guilt trup. When you know what motivation is, that old programming can be replaced, you become more productive and effective, and you can even take time off without guilt.

Consistent motivation (choice making) is a key factor in the success of a direct seller.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Working Momma, Brown Eyed Girl Begins!

The blog begins! The world is changing, and there are so many things to write about. Prior to starting this blog, I thought to myself, why would someone want to read anything that I have to say? After really delving deep I realized that even if nobody reads this blog, I am going to start one. I need a blog for me, not for those that won't read it!

As the title states, I am a working momma! I have a soon to be 5 month old son, and work full time for a non-profit agency. I am also a brown eyed girl, waiting for the world to swallow me hole! With these tough economic times, I can't believe people are still having children, let alone me.

1 year ago I was at a job I hated after being "let go" from a job I thought was ok. This job was my downfall, I hated going to work everyday, and hated even more having to tell people what I did for a living. I was a "swallowing hard" customer service representative for an outsourcing company. Nothing against people who love that line of work, it wasn't the work, it was the company I was working for. I was treated very poorly, and 7 months into my pregnancy I quit and stayed home.

Fast forward to the now, I have a lovely son, a wonderful job and a beautiful home. I work everyday knowing that I am giving my son the best life he can have, and he will prosper!

I should also mention, that along with working full time, having an infant son I also work a direct sales business out of my home. Along with all of these things, I am attaining my MBA through an online program. I am ambitous, with a lot on my mind and ready to write what I need to say!

With my next post, I will pick topics of importance. Going forward this blog will also be requested blogs, if you have an idea you want me to write about, just leave me a message and I will happily blog about it. I love writing and plan to blog at least 2 times a week, if not more! Leave feedback for me! Let me know what you want to read about it!